A new way to test for red blood cell deformability

Our mission is to better the life conditions of sickle cell disease patients.

We con­ceive, fab­ri­cate, test and sell bio­med­ical appa­ra­tus to test the deforma­bil­i­ty of an het­ero­ge­neous pop­u­la­tion of red blood cells for patients, doc­tors, researchers and the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal indus­try.

For patients

Point of Care device to mon­i­tor the con­di­tion on a day-to-day basis.

For doctors

Mon­i­tor sick­le cell dis­ease patient such as com­pli­ance to treat­ment.

For research

Mea­sure the deforma­bil­i­ty of red blood cells for var­i­ous research appli­ca­tions.

For pharma

Faster time to mar­ket,
reduced devel­op­ment time & cost of sick­le cell dis­ease ther­a­peu­tics.


About sickle cell disease

Learn more about one of the most com­mon genet­ic blood dis­or­der in the world.

Why red blood cell deformability matters

We pro­vide a new way to test red blood cell deforma­bil­i­ty, but why is it impor­tant ?

About us

ICOVELL cre­ation is the result of fun­da­men­tal research into the mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties of red blood cells, ini­ti­at­ed in 2014 by our team. The struc­tur­ing ele­ments of the tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped result from this joint research project, Red­Path, fund­ed by Aix Mar­seille Uni­ver­sité’s Ini­tia­tive d’Ex­cel­lence (AMIDEX). Since 2014 we have obtained sev­er­al grants (~€1M, CNRS/AMIDEX/ANR/PhD con­tracts) that have enabled us to devel­op the our tech­nol­o­gy.

Our desire to cre­ate a com­pa­ny dates back to 2017. We ben­e­fit­ed from men­tor­ing by the Val­oritech com­pa­ny, then from the CNRS RISE pro­gram and Deeptech Founders (DF) train­ing to for­mu­late and struc­ture the project. This sup­port con­tin­ues today at the IMPULSE incu­ba­tor in Mar­seille, which we joined in ear­ly 2021. The his­to­ry of the project and its major events are shown below.

Contact us!