ICOVELL’s technology combines millifluidic, videomicroscopy and data processing by machine learning. ICOVELL’s innovation is to use the movement of red blood cells subjected to shear stress in a flow to determine their deformability. At a given shear stress, there is a critical threshold of deformability above which the movement of a red blood cell is that of a fluid drop and below which its movement is that of a solid. In fluid drop behaviour, the orientation of the red blood cell is fixed and the membrane of the red blood cell rotates on itself (‘tank-treading’ motion, TT). In solid behaviour, the orientation of the red blood cell changes over time, and it behaves like a coin (‘tumbling’ movement). The measurement represents the fraction of red blood cells performing a Tank-Treading (TT) movement: this is the deformability marker called fTT.
Simplicity – No complicated setup required.
Single-cell measurement – ICOVELL’s technology measures the individual movement of red blood cells in the population. It is sensitive to a low percentage of abnormalities.
Low measurement bias – Measurements are performed at physiological shear rate conditions.
Bright field visualization – Observation of red blood cells flowing during measurement.